IHI Group Products
IHI Europe Ltd acts as the main contact point for IHI Group customers in Europe and Africa. For enquires related to for e.g. Turbochargers (ICSI) we are happy to help, but recommend direct contact with our group companies which specialise in these areas. For contact details please see "Other Regional IHI Branch Offices in Europe and Africa."
Listed below are our most common projects we've been involved for business development, however you can find a list of the variety of equipments and sectors IHI Group deals with at IHI Corporation main website here.
Product Table (handled by IHI Europe Ltd.)
Resources, Energy and the Environment
(USC coal-fired boilers, etc.)
(aero-derivative type)
(Reactor/Containment Vessels, Decontamination & Decommissioning)
(Tubular reactors for petrochemical plants etc.)
Social Infrastructure
(suspension bridges, etc.)
(Ultra-long Distance etc.)
(for Level Crossing, Intelligent Transport System etc.)
Industrial Systems and General-purpose Machinery
(for rubber and plastic forming lines)
(for automobile bodies, etc.)
(reciprocating type for LNG terminals, etc.)
(for Factory Automation)
Aero Engine, Space and Defense
Aero Engine Products
The main activity of IHI Europe Ltd. in our Aero Engine Business Development Dept. is to liaise with partner companies and customers mainly within the aero engine and gas turbine business.
IHI has the largest jet engine market share in Japan. Our activities in Japan focus on our three workshops where we do assembly work, testing and overhauls, as well as manufacture many components, big and small, including airfoils. IHI Europe stays in routine contact with all our plants and regularly conveys information between production and our customers/suppliers.
The main projects IHI Europe Ltd. is currently involved in are the V2500 engine for the A320 family, and the GE90, CF34-8/10, GEnx, RB211-524G/H, Trent 700, 800 and 500 engines.
Rocket Systems & Space Exploration
Participating in the space development of Japan, IHI has been engaged in the development and manufacture of components such as turbopumps and gas jet systems. IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd., a company with an impressive track record in solid-fuel rockets, was established in the year 2000, and the year 2012 saw the addition to the IHI Group of Meisei Electric Co., Ltd., a company with outstanding technologies for telecommunications equipment.
With propulsion system technologies as its nucleus, the IHI Group is committed to becoming a pioneer in the space industry by applying its integrated system engineering capabilities that embrace fields including rocket systems, satellites, space exploration and return to earth.
Other IHI Group Products and Services
Perkins-Shibaura Engines Ltd.
Frank Perkins Way
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Steinmüller Engineering, Germany
Felguera IHI, Spain
IHI VTN, Germany
IHI Ionbond AG, Switzerland
IHI Hauzer Techno Coating B.V., The Netherlands
Niigata Power Systems (Europe) B.V. The Netherlands
IHI Charging Systems International GmbH, Germany
(IHI Group company)